Monday, August 31, 2009

Mateo: How to Draw Up a Project: Response

Initially, I agree with the process. The start of a project is always vague. It is as vague as a few words or quick lines on a piece of paper. But I believe that this is a place that you come back to and improve upon throughout the design process. While it is correct that each step builds on the firm foundation of the step before it, I find the design process to be more circular than linear. Vague ideas from the early stages take shape when designing the structure and then the ideas are reformed and clarified. The structure certainly influences the initial form as does the material and skin.
In terms of my own process, this is not an accurate map. My process flows between these stages and repeats stages many times over to revise and revisit formal ideas. It is a good linear guideline, but my process is iterative. A thesis should be the culmination of the design process, each part giving a firm foundation for the overall project.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think that Mateo is arguing against iteration, but I think that it is a very interesting point that you bring up. It is true that the way that he has described the design process in this article, he makes it seem as though it is a clean and linear process, when in reality there is a lot of repetition and circularity to it.
