Silvetti’s categories of the architectural creative process focus on negative aspects of the creative process. The only process he seems to be excited by is the Blobs category. I am particularly intrigued by the idea of nostalgia for the future. This would be one case where architecture is ahead of the other artistic fields. Architecture is usually long behind any movement in the arts. Architecture is more readily affected by changes in technology.
I am interested in the idea that architecture, being stoic and static, has a longing for movement. Silvetti highlights this in his talk about the Baroque. He even goes as far as to say that the curving walls made passersby dizzy. Buildings are static, but they can create a sense of motion. Also, the bodies in a building script movements which engage the building.
The long debate of is architecture art comes up towards the end. I think it is interesting that Silvetti says that “Architecture as Art is an instance of the most advanced condition of Art today. Art as Architecture is a travesty.” Moments when architecture can reflect upon and add to our society in the form of Art is the highest form of Art. But Art parading as Architecture is a failure. Architecture cannot forget the fundamentals that make is what it is: place, people program, fulfillment of requirements. We have elevated Art to be Art for the sake of Art. We have not yet seen Architecture for the sake of Architecture. Perhaps the permanence, client or cost will always hold Architecture back.